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How To Choose The Safest Sleep Safe Beds For Your Kids



Introduction to Sleep Safe Bed

Selecting the right bed for your family is extremely important for ensuring safe, healthy, and high-quality sleep. However, with so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming trying to determine what really makes a bed “safe.” This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about choosing beds that reduce injury risks and toxins while providing comfort.

Preventing Dangerous Falls from Beds

Falls from beds, cribs, toddler beds, and bunk beds can unfortunately result in head injuries and even death for some children. Various studies report:

  • Over 93,000 children are injured seriously enough to require emergency room visits from nursery product-related falls each year.
  • Fall-related injuries from beds, cribs, and mattresses resulted in around 150 deaths per year between 2002-2016 for kids under age 18.
  • Bunk beds alone are connected with around 38 deaths and over 9,000 injuries annually for kids less than 18 years old.

To prevent dangerous falls, proper precautions must be taken depending on your child’s age:

Infants & Toddlers

  • Cribs designed to latest safety standards are essential, including a snug-fitting mattress and slats no more than 2 3/8 inches apart.
  • Don’t use a crib once your child can climb out unaided or exceeds the height/weight limits.
    • Switch to a toddler bed or mattress on the floor temporarily before moving to a bigger bed.
  • Put rail guards on toddler/twin beds, placing the mattress close to the ground. Most pediatricians recommend guard rails until at least age 2.

Big Kids

  • For preschoolers, consider a twin bed or youth bed with rails to prevent night falls.
  • For elementary age, a twin or full bed adjusted to the proper height is appropriate once balancing skills improve.
  • Take safety precautions with bunk beds like using guard rails on both sides, avoiding danger zones, properly assembling them, etc.

Bed Height Recommendations

As shown in the table, bed heights and transition timing depends on your specific child’s development and risk factors. Consult your pediatrician with any questions.

Avoiding Entrapment Risks

Gaps or broken parts in beds can also pose dangers of body parts getting trapped. Hazards to watch out for include:

  • Slats spacing more than 2 3/8 inches apart
  • Cut-out decorative shapes along the bed frame
  • Broken or loose rails, slats, and mattress supports
  • Bed structure instability
  • Stuffies, blankets piled inside cribs

To prevent entrapment issues:

  • Review CPSC safety guidelines before purchasing beds & cribs
  • Assemble beds properly by securing rails, slats and all parts tightly
  • Do routine safety checks and maintenance for damage
  • Remove mobiles, loose bedding items when baby is sleeping
  • Ensure mattress fits snugly against edges of crib

Taking these proactive measures minimizes chances of body entrapment. Be especially cautious with older, used items which may not meet updated codes. New beds that carry safety certifications are best.

Reducing Suffocation and Strangulation Dangers

In addition to entrapment, suffocation and strangulation risks exist if precautions aren’t taken to protect little necks and airways.

  • Over 1,300 deaths occur annually in the U.S. related to nursery products – many from strangulation.
  • Crib decorations, cords from blinds/curtains, and electrical wires near beds can all fatally strangle kids.
  • Excess bedding, sleeping face down, and bed sharing heighten suffocation chances.

Here are tips to minimize these hazards in your home:

✔️ Use fitted crib sheets instead of loose blankets in baby beds.

✔️ Don’t allow cords, wires near any beds – create at least 3 feet clearance.

✔️ Keep all bedding breathable and avoid pillows for infants.

✔️ Position cribs/beds away from windows to reduce access to cords.

✔️ Follow medical guidelines for safe sleep practices to avoid suffocation.

Crib Safety Standards

All cribs should meet rigourous safety standards set by the CPSC. Features to look for when crib shopping include:

  • Slats no more than 2 3/8 inches apart
  • Snug fitting waterproof mattress
  • No cutout shapes/decorative designs along frame
  • Sturdy construction that doesn’t easily sway/shake
  • JPMA (Juvenile Products Manufacturers Assoc) safety certification

Additionally, avoid using older cribs made prior to 2011 even if it was previously used safely. Safety guidelines evolve over time and older items likely lack updated protections against issues like entrapment or materials hazards. Hand-me-down heirloom cribs seem nice, but purchasing new is smarter.

Toddler and Big Kid Bed Considerations

As your little one grows, you’ll eventually transition from the crib to bigger beds. Timing depends on factors like height, mobility skills, potty training status, and personal preference.

Toddler Beds

  • Appropriate starting around 18 months – 3 years old generally.
  • Serve as an intermediate step to promote self-soothing skills before a mature twin bed.
  • Include guard rails with openings no greater than 2 3/8 inches apart.
  • Place on floor level initially, then adjust height based on child’s mobility skills.

Twin & Full Beds

  • A twin bed may be suitable for ages 2-3 for proficient climbers, but waiting until at least age 5 is common.
  • For bedwetters, waterproof mattress covers help preserve mattresses alongside moisture reducing pads or alarms. Plastic pillow protectors also add peace of mind.
  • Choose an engageable frame design with rails versus open platforms for improved safety and ease getting in/out.
  • Encourage “feet first” entry and exiting until coordination improves.

No matter what stage, actively teach bed safety expectations to children. Making it a routine encourages self-regulation skills strengthening your family’s sleep.

Choosing Non-Toxic Beds and Bedding

Alongside physical safety concerns, underlying materials inside children’s beds may harbor unseen health dangers we often overlook.

Potential Health Risks

  • Flame retardants added to meet flammability standards contain toxic chemicals linked to hormone disruption, brain impacts, and cancer.
  • Stain/water repellent and antimicrobial treatments also use concerning chemcials that kids ingest while sleeping.
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in foam and adhesives have been tied to respiratory irritation and organ damage.
  • Allergens or skin irritants hidden in textiles may provoke reactions in sensitive children.
  • Other heavy metals used for durability get absorbed into growing bodies.

While more research is still emerging around safe thresholds, parents are rightfully concerned about reducing exposures wherever possible.

Tips for Identifying Quality Materials

  • Seek out materials labeled as non-toxic, eco-friendly, or organic which have vetted ingredients.
  • Review certifications from groups like GOTS, OEKO-TEX, or MADE SAFE which set standards for safety.
  • Avoid tags listing toxic PFAS or PFCs to repel liquids – these persist indefinitely.
  • Ask brands directly about their material supply chains and testing data if specifics aren’t readily disclosed. You deserve transparency when products are for vulnerable babies.

Our Top Recommendations

Here are a few great non-toxic, eco-friendly brands making safe, stylish beds and bedding:

NaturepedicCertified organic crib/twin mattresses and pads, avoid flame retardants
Lullaby EarthWaterproof crib mattress made of food-grade polymer, lightweight
CoyuchiGOTS certified organic crib sheets, quilts, and mattress covers
AvocadoEco-friendly hybrid design twin mattresses made of natural latex and coils

For optimal safety, pair non-toxic mattresses with matching organic sheeting and bedding accessories free from dyes, perfumes, and unknown substances. It offers peace of mind knowing kids nestle into a clean sleep space.

When washing bedding, taking a few easy precautions also minimizes chemical buildup:

  • Wash all new items before first use
  • Choose plant-based detergents free from phosphates/optical brighteners
  • Consider loud smelling products since these often contain volatile fragrances
  • Line dry sheets and stuffed animals when possible to limit flame retardant dust accumulation from machine drying

Final Takeaways – Sleep Safe Bed

Getting the right beds takes some informed decisions, but it lays the foundation for safe and healthy sleep routines in your family. Prioritize stability, ventilation, non-toxic materials, and size appropriateness based on each child’s unique mobility skills. Modeling

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